Sunday, October 30, 2011
Duckie Illustrations
Friday, August 19, 2011
Rubber Duckies: Characters All
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Progress on the Rubber Duckie Bathroom
It wasn't a pretty sight when I bought the house a year ago. In fact, truly creepy. I'll spare you the before pictures. The tile around the tub was too far gone to resuscitate. What looked like a problem turned into a great opportunity, so I discovered when I found those light aqua bubbly round glass tiles. Perfect!
A few duckies have preceded the gang. (Old sink, new Toto.)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
She's SO CUTE!

I don't know when I have anticipated something as much as I did the notice I received from designer Martini Discovolante in Second Life that the first edition of my 3D virtual rubber duckie was ready for me to see and meet. Hum, how does it compare to getting that first copy of one's book from the publisher? Still a thrill even after 30 of them! Or when my Quilting Rubber Duckie arrived from China. My excitement must have to do with the plans I have for this duckie. And being visual, getting to see her and then become her makes that vision become clearer and boosts me on to the next step.

And here I'm the Duckie!

My Virtual Rubber Duckie Me!
Watch me, as my Jodie Davis avatar in Second Life, meet the first rendition of my new Rubber Duckie avatar in-world, in Second Life.
I met Second Life designer Martini Discovolante in the virtual world and commissioned her to create a 3D virtual Rubber Duckie avatar designed after the real life quilting Rubber Duckie I had made a few years ago.
In this video, first Martini demonstrates the duckie and then gives me the duckie to try myself. It's a strange feeling turning from human into a rubber duckie. Even my perspective changes. It's a different view from the floor! And I, er, waddle.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Dimples and Duckies Quilt

Here I am with Marianne Fons on the set. Marianne is such a joy!
(Note that the Oliso iron is appropriately yellow. It did NOT just happen to arrive home with me, though I was tempted.)
The duckie fabric is my own design. I created it in Corel Draw and then uploaded it to Spoonflower for printing. A week or so later a package arrived at my door and voila! my very own rubber duckie fabric!
The half square triangles are made from Andover's Dimples line. They so look like water!
I hand sttiched a simple running stitch with embroudery floss around the edges of the duckies.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Moonlighting Duckies

Has to be the work of my duckies. I suspect the one on the left is the culprit! This one:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hooray for Spoonflower!

But let me start at the beginning.
Several weeks ago I squeezed some time out of my day to use my Sunbonnet Sue Rubber Duckie designs to create designs to be printed on fabric. I had heard about Spoonflower over a month before, and was invited to participate in their beta stage. I simply had to try it. I've been using Corel Draw for years, so I created a design to fit yardage for duckie cheater cloth and possible border designs. My design spans an entire yard; most designs can be tiled, so you only need a small part of the design for the final yardage. (There's lots of helpful info on the Spoonflower site to explain all of this.)

I then logged into Spoonflower, uploaded the TIFF file I had saved in Corel Draw, and paid for my yardage. Two yards for $36 plus $3 shipping. A deal!

Isn't this amazing how it turned out? And best yet, it is printed on high quality 100% Kona® cotton from Robert Kaufman Fabrics.
To see other fabrics Spoonflower designers have created go to their Explore function and click your way through, or visit the Flickr site. I'm blown away by the designs I see! The idea is that someday we can buy other people's yardage.
Spoonflower changes everything. Designers are having their fabric designs printed and then are sewing the fabric up into true original pieces. I'm excited about what this means for books and patterns. Oh so Web 2.0, Spoonflower makes anyone a fabric designer. It's a beautiful world!